
Praza Escultor Xoán Piñeiro, 4, 36211, Vigo (Pontevedra)


In/out access

Monday a sunday 24 hours


Max height

2.5 m

Max long

4.7 m

Max width

2.2 m


1Select the booking type

Booking for days

11,99€ /day


Bonos Mensuales 24 Horas

Partial Monthly Bonuses

Bonos Mensuales Parciales

How to access:
License plate reading

The parking barrier will open automatically when it recognizes your license plate number.

2Complete your reservation
Prepaid card 100h
Total -
*Free cancellation up to 1 hours before
All amounts include VAT.
Consult conditions


If you are looking for a safe place to park in Vigo, don't hesitate and book your parking space now at Parking Lopez Mora.

Prepaid Card Offer 100 hours! By booking this offer you can benefit from:

  1. Guaranteed place for the duration of the reservation.

  2. Unlimited entry and exit at the López Mora Parking until 100 hours of parking have been spent. Every day 24 hours a day.

  3. Automated opening system with license plate recognition.

  4. No management fees or added commissions.

  5. Free cancellation of the reservation by giving at least 1 hour notice before the start of the reservation.

Parking López Mora is located at Praza Escultor Xoan Piñeiro, 4. The car park is located in the central area of ​​Vigo, near the main arteries of the city. Don't think twice, book your car park in Vigo and take advantage of this offer!

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